Tuesday, January 24, 2017


  For the longest time, I was in pain.  I know exactly how I got it. From jiu-jitsu, what started out as a pinched nerve with incredible pain shooting down my arm and barely being able to turn my neck, and a handful of ibuprofen came down to almost a year and a half of a dull constant pain in my right upper back.

  Oh, the things we can endure. We make promises to ourselves to resolve the situation, yet  we hide it in little boxes in the back of our minds. We convince ourselves that there are higher priorities. We put it off and tell ourselves we will get it done the next day or the next week with a conviction that yes, we will get it done, all the while there is a promise breaking thing the size of a water drop that rolls around.

  So I finally decided to see a chiropractor...and boy did it change my life. After my first session, the pain in my back was gone. Literally gone! I never thought something like that was even possible.
The glorious cracks I heard my spine made resonated in my head and felt throughout my body.

 After my second session, I began to take notice of a holistic change.  This is going to sound weird but I felt this well-beingness.  It wasn't just my back, but it was everything about me that felt "even." Something that I haven't felt in a long, long time.  It was a calm. As if a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

 A brief history, I played all sports except for soccer. I was a b-boy for nearly two decades, I did jiu-jitsu on and off for eight years. All of this contributed to my spine being out of whack. I think  being a b-boy really did the most harm though. Purposely slamming my body on concrete, contorting it in ways we just were not to bend all played a part.

 So, I've been going to regular treatments for the last four weeks. My neck mobility is still very tight and embarrassing when I see it in the mirror. Working on that will take some time, but overall, my body feels really good and my mind feels even better.

I recommend everyone to go see a chiropractor to get assessed in the least if not adjusted.

I made a promise to myself that this year, I am going to take care of myself in mind, body, and soul.
This is the first step.

---and my posture has greatly improved.

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