Sunday, January 22, 2017


I figured this would be a great time to do two things at once...or maybe just one thing.
I'm creating this blog that will contain random stuff from my thoughts and life and I hope that will be entertaining "just for a minute" get your mind off of things if you need it. If not, well not to worry.
That's where the other thing comes in. Self-therapy lol.

  My Todd...not your Todd...has a new girlfriend now, nevermind that his old girlfriend came to his house on new years eve and threw a tantrum that was worthy of the old me. So getting on, his new girlfriend is an old friend of mine, she works at a bank and I know her dad. I set them up several months ago on a whim. I thought it was a good thing...

  Okay, so we both know how my Todd is like, very quiet and unassuming. Now get a little liquor in him and all of a sudden they are making strange noises at each other, noises that I can only comprehend as a grunting dog.

    It seems that he is only open when I'm around or so I'm told. Sure, fine, I'm cool with it. Help a brother out right? But it feels a little awkward to be the playground and what I mean by that is that they come here just to be together? Yo...I'm here...this is my house.

Btw, I saw him pick up a pretzel off the ground that was lying there for ten minutes and eat it. Either he was drunk or didn't think anyone was watching. Either

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